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“Mellissa has helped me to make some really easy and simple changes to my diet which really seem to be working! What I absolutely love is that Mellissa is always there with advice and always open to answering any questions I may have. 

Thank you Mellissa for making me start to feel like me again”.

Cordelia, London UK




“Gut health is the key to our overall health. From here we can delve deeper into triggers and traumas that affect our relationships and personal lives”

~ Mellissa Laycy

This short video is a sneak peak into the subjects covered in a gut health talk I gave earlier this year at The How To Club , in Soho.


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Join me over on Instagram where my posts, reels and stories cover various different aspects of health and wellness ranging from weight loss, fertility, IBS, relationship advice and interesting new health hacks.

Get to know me on more of a personal level and see what I get up to in my spare time, the things I eat, what practices I am living and the places I travel.


Mellissa is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Gut Health chef. Her keen desire to help others through health and wellness began with her own health issues where she suffered for a number of years with a very poor immune system, weight issues, hormonal imbalances, hayfever, fatigue, anxiety and depression.

After years of doctor’s visits, prescriptions, scans, tests, therapies, diets, supplements and far fetched visits all over the world to Shamans and ancient healers she finally came across the answer she was looking for and now coaches hundreds of clients.
