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“When I went back for my three month check up scan my cyst was GONE!”

In March I came to Mellissa for help after having a routine pelvic scan that revealed I had a 4cm cyst on my left ovary. As somebody with an estrogen dominance and endometriosis diagnosis the doctors didn't seem hopeful that my body would take care of the cyst itself, which is often how it works out with ovarian cysts. They asked me to come back in three months for a follow up scan at which point I was advised I would most likely need an operation or to go on the birth control pill.

Sitting in the car on the way home from my appointment I felt angry and scared, I didn't want an operation or to go on the pill. Neither of these "options" felt like they were going to work for me or my body. Once I calmed down I decided to reach out to my old school friend Mellissa who I had seen through instagram had become a health coach. The long story short is this, Mel put me on a new food and supplement regime and when I went back for my three month check up scan my cyst was GONE!

As well as my cyst being gone I have experienced increased mental stamina, less bloating, less abdominal and breast pain, less water retention, fewer headaches and a balancing of my hormones. It's been SO fabulous.

I have to admit that I was ever so slightly skeptical that changing my diet could yield such positive results. I am now feeling excited about the possibilities regarding nutrition and my overall health. Thank you Mellissa for opening my eyes and giving me agency over my body and the freedom to make choices that were not counterintuitive to my mindset and life-style.


“It just feels so good!”

After that session I feel so different. I feel so much lighter. I went through such a range of emotions - I was crying at one point because we were talking about my inner child and then I was smiling uncontrollably at another point because we were uncovering all of the blocks that I had and we were talking about how it was related to now . It just feels so good!

Shivanai Pau, Podcast host ‘A millenial mind’

I had the joy of having THE most impactful and powerful Theta Healing session with Mellissa. Within the meditative state we dove deep into improving my mind body and spirit connection and really focused on ultimate love as love truly is the way It was a session of exploring my emotional energy and developing an even deeper and trusting natural intuition Ever since our session I have had a further appreciation of how thoughts truly do create our reality which Theta Healing directly had an influence on for me Immensely grateful for you Mellissa! Theta Healing it enough Could not encourage

I’ve seen incredible results from our coaching sessions. I feel comfortable to open to to Melly which is so important for coaching to be effective. She’s trustworthy, non judgmental and really made me feel valued. I do and will continue to reach back out to Melly when I’m in need of a little extra support in my life and she is has there for me. - Katie

“It was mind blowing”

I did my first ever theta healing session with Mellissa and it was mind blowing! First of all she really made feel safe and comfortable sharing about what I wanted to work on and my insecurities. I was able to be very vulnerable and cried the whole session (which is hard for me). I was very impressed how in one session she was able to work on so many deep layers and made me realize where I needed to work on to live my best life and just be myself. Highly highly recommend her work, she is kind and very professional. So grateful to have woman like her helping other woman find true power. Can’t wait to have many more sessions with her. -

Ara Choi, Sound Healer

“I left the session feeling so focused and motivated”

I recently had the most amazing Theta healing session with the lovely Mellissa, we went into this experience quite apprehensive as I've never had any type of therapy or meditation session but from the get go she made me feel so comfortable! We spoke about old memories and ways to overcome past trauma. I left the session feeling so focused and motivated on steps I need to take to point me in the right direction to ultimate happiness. I couldn't recommend this more if you're feeling a bit stagnant and need some sort of guidance and motivation.

Ameliagh, Influencer

“Working with Melly has helped me heal my gut, chronic fatigue and skin issues”,

I love working with Melly as she always comes form a place of love, and is just such a source of knowledge, not just on health but life! Working with Melly has helped me heal my gut, chronic fatigue and skin issues I find the fortnightly check ins with her invaluable to keep me really consistent with my health and life goals.

Suzy perry, breathwork teacher, uk

“I feel good. I felt really calm yesterday all day, like in a very accepting energy if that makes any sense! And today I feel more energetic and driven!”

I did a Theta Healing with Mellissa and it was such a nurturing experience. I felt super at ease and relaxed, her voice was extremely soothing and her guidance on point. I felt super supported and understood and like there was a shift in my energy. Definitely recommend talking to her!


Mellissa took the time to really listen to me and the issues I was having and offering some fantastic advice on my diet.

Although, I eat healthy I didn’t realise that some healthy foods could be contributing to my excessive bloating and pains in the evening. Once Mellissa advised on what would be good for me I started to introduce VSL3 into my diet and make changes; in the last couple months these changes have made my excessive bloating and pains dramatically decrease and have almost gone; I now see results which I love feeling and seeing.

Definitely get in touch with Melly if you have any issues, she’s an amazing listener and acaring individual who has a wide variety of knowledge and only wants to assist to see you get the best results and make you feel great.

Laura, Portsmouth, UK


“Thank you Mellissa for making me start to feel like me again!” 

Meeting Melissa has been a total god send, I’ve suffered with uncomfortable gut for the last 2 years I’ve tried everything eliminating certain foods, exercise, supplements, medication and nothing seemed to have worked..... Melissa firstly just listened which was so nice in itself as nobody else really wants to listen to me banging on about my gut and honestly I think my family were bored of it.  Then she helped me to make some really easy and simple changes to my diet which really seem to be working!! I’m not only feeling so much better but I was also suffering from hair loss and it seems to have helped that to (I had no idea my gut would be related!).  What I absolutely love is that Melissa’s always there with advice and always open to answering any questions I may have. Thank you Mellissa for making me start to feel like me again xxx”

Cordelia, Model, London UK


“Since working with Melly my gut health has improved greatly, I had lots of digestive issues including bloating where now I have none at all!…

I noticed the changes very rapidly. I have also lost weight & my skin has improved very much. Melly is an amazing nutritional coach, she is a great listener, works with you on dietary options, has great suggestions for the right supplements for each different ailemnet and has some fantastic recipes up her sleeve. Melly goes that extra mile to look at your nutritional health from a broad perspective so all lifestyle factors are considered in order to provide optimal health & get your body working well.

Thank you very much Melly & I would highly recommend you as a wonderful nutritional coach!”

Tanya, bbc producer, Manchester uk


“I believe everyone needs a Mellissa in their life, someone who listens intensely, willing to help and an extremely talented health coach, who is able to transform your life for the better…

Before beginning my four month journey with Mellissa, I was was experiencing many different health issues which had been left unanswered. I felt as if I’d not been taken seriously by my dietician and didn’t received the support I required. Instead I was past for pillar to post, placed on a strict gluten free diet due to being diagnosed with coeliac disease to shortly be placed on a low fodmap diet with many questions still left unanswered.

Many of my symptoms included serve bloating, migraines, dermatitis, nausea, fatigue, excruciating, abdominal pains and a very low negative mood. I felt since being diagnosed with Colieac disease back in 2016 that although I believed I was taking care of my body and overall well-being it turned out t be the complete opposite. I was under the impression I was eating an overall healthy diet it was only upon reflection that I realised my diet was filled with many different forms of sugars and excessive amounts of carbohydrates.

Upon my first consultation with Mellissa, I remember putting down the phone and bursting int tears of happiness! For once I felt I’d been taken seriously and listened too; during our conversation Melissa was able to inform me that she believed I had leaky gut which she was extremely confident she could mend. Since our first session back in August not only has Mellissa been able to help heal my leaky gut problem she has also been able to improve my quality of life through food but also positivity. Mellissa is that person who I can call or message at any point in the day who will provide me with the essential knowledge and positivity I require; nothing is ever too much. My health has improved dramatically over the few months and the majority of my symptoms have vanished; my diet now is full of favour, nutrients and healthy fats.

I believe everyone needs a Mellissa in their life, someone who listens intensely, willing to help and a extremely talented health coach who is able to transform your life for the better. So thank you Mellissa for your consent support, your ability to believe and heal and I look forward to continuing to work with you. Thanks for inspiring me and answering all my unanswered questions over the last three years”.

LAURA,Costume design, LONDON UK

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“You know when they say that sometimes you need a sign to take you to the right direction? Well that day texting Mellissa was my sign and my solution…

I had been suffering from terrible nerve and tendon pain in my shoulder related to inflammation. I had a very busy life and didn’t know how to heal it. “It will go away”, I kept saying, but the pain was taking up most of my thoughts. It was a continuous pounding all the way from my shoulder to my elbow. It was driving me crazy!

One day I was scrolling trough Instagram and I saw Melly’s post. “DM me if u need help resolving a health problem”or something between those lines. I decided that I did need help. I didn’t want to stuff my body with pills. The pain was physical, it was inside me. I got in touch with Melly and she promptly asked me some questions about my diet and over all life style. She came back to me with a program that I diligently followed (and still do) it has cured the inflammation and i now live a better lifestyle. She asked me to eliminate some food from my diet, to add some new ones in and also some supplements too.

After a few months my inflammation went away. She kept in touch with me, my progress and sent me some of her yummy recipes !!!I now I can do yoga, play tennis, exercise again and lift weights with ease. I am ever grateful ! Thank you so much, I am sure our paths will meet again! With love, Alia”.

ALIA, hospitality at the ned, LONDON

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“Mellissa has been a great help and she has been an amazing coach who has supported me and helped me to get my health back on track…

Thanks to her I feel amazing, I have changed my lifestyle and it has really paid off. I am really grateful. Mellissa is an caring, warm person with great energy. Her story inspires me and she is a perfect example that anything can be achieved if you believe and act on it”.

Donata, London


“Many thanks Mellissa, you saved my holiday!

I was three days from flying to Ibiza for a much needed family holiday when my left ankle was struck by the worst bout of gout I have ever experienced. I could barely walk and was actually researching how t get a crutch onto the aeroplane. On our arrival things were no better and I contacted Mellissa for some advice. Mellissa sent through a thoughtfully tailor-made Power Plan, entitled ‘Healing Gout in 24-48 Hours’. This contained detailed advice on which foods to avoid and which to enjoy with gusto. For once in my life I did what I was told and followed the advice to the letter. The result was amazing; Mellissa’s recipe for recovery worked like a dream — within 36 hours I was walking, cycling and swimming, pain free”.

Hugh, Middlesex

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“I followed all of your advice pretty much to the letter and I was back at my lovely work place yesterday!…

This is an unprecedented rate of recovery for me - normally this kind of thing would totally knock me out for a week (often two) and leave me completely bedridden. I am amazed at how quickly my body can heal given the right conditions! I’ll remain on the supplements while I’m still not quite 100% (I’m about 80% there) but I am so happy with how well I’m feeling now.

Thank you with all my heart for your help - I am so very grateful for your help. With much love, Zoë ”.


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“I’m so grateful to Mellissa for getting me started on my journey towards self-healing. For 10 years now, I have been back and forth to the doctor with hypo thyroid symptoms - and feeling so unwell.”

After every visit I’d get the same response: “of course you feel unwell, you have a low thyroid; just take your medication” (and basically get on with it!). Somehow I couldn’t believe that this was it: take a synthetic drug (Levothyroxin) for the rest of my miserable life. 
Miserable because that’s the side-effects of this drug and my condition: always tired, full of aches and pains, hormonal-style spotty outbreaks, sallow skin, lifeless hair, constant brain fog, loss of memory, anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts, which is not ‘me’ all.

Without a minimum of 10 hours’ sleep, my next day was a complete write-off. If I had an early start, you could pretty much guarantee by 7pm that day I would be in bed shivering with fever-like symptoms - no matter the temperature or time of year. 

Doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? But according to the doctors, there was nothing wrong with me, it was all in my head. So long as long as I took my meds and the test results were ‘normal’, then I was clearly a hypochondriac and wasting their time. This, of course, made me feel even more crazy! All this changed when I met Mellissa.

We hit it off right away and I felt able to talk to her instead of clamming up, which I did every time I tried to speak with a doctor. Mellissa cared about all my symptoms and showed a genuine interest in what I had to say. I was so happy when she said, “I don’t believe that’s it for you; Levothyroxin can’t be the only way, let me do some research”.

Before I knew it, we had a new dietary plan and I was given a wealth of information on the importance of gut health and a list of the foods and supplements that could affect hypothyroidism. It’s early days, but with Mellissa’s support, the quest to heal myself with or without doctors’ help is off to a flying start. 

I’m already feeling the benefits of a no-sugar diet and gradually - through trial and error - finding the foods that make me feel well or unwell. Friends have begun to comment on how much more ‘glowing’ my skin looks, and I definitely have more energy. I have even returned to regular ballet lessons (I am a former professional dancer).I’m so excited at the prospect of getting my life back and starting to really live again. 

Thanks to Melissa’s long-term health plan, I will no longer be getting through life one day at a time. As she says: “all I can do is give you the right information; the rest is up to you - trust yourself, if you feel good, it’s working”. 

Thanks Mellissa, you are an angel x

Tamar, dancer, Berkhamstead


Mellissa reached out to me via Instagram when I posted about my anxiety struggles and we arranged a telephone call. Mellissa gave me some brilliant advice and really helped me with many anxiety issues I was facing at the time. I now take probiotics, avoid gluten / carbs and have included so much more healthy foods into my diet, such as nuts , fruit and veg. I am starting to feel normal again and these changes have made a massive difference. Thank you so much for giving your time to me, I really appreciate it !

Laura, graphic designer, london


My husband and I have been struggling to fall pregnant, and having both been tested, it's a case of unexplained infertility. I turned to Melissa to see what I else can do to help our chances.

She has been absolutely wonderful, she really went into detail with both of us and recommended not just things to help us fall but also made recommendations for various other injury/sports niggles we both have. 

Melissa is clearly so passionate about what she does, and so knowledgeable! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her. She is so supportive and really cares about the outcome for you!

Madeleine Havell

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Mellissa is the health coach I had been dreaming of that has come into my life.

After one phone conversation with Mellissa, and of course implementing her advice, in just two weeks I incredibly got the results I wanted. Suffering for years with very bad period pain brought me to almost getting a laparoscopy to see if I had endometriosis and remove it if I did. However after my gynaecologist told me that his patients not wanting surgery had got great results by just changing their diet and lifestyle, I knew I needed to find a health coach that could help me achieve this. If you are lucky enough to work with Mellissa, you will be amazed at how she can be so kind, supportive, caring, and empathetic to your personal situation whilst also being so effective, efficient, knowledgable, practical and helpful. Her humble and graceful support has changed my life, and has given me the tools needed for pursuing optimal health.

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Working with Mellissa has really opened up my eyes to the importance of gut health and its impact on your well-being.

 I got in touch with Mellissa a couple of months ago to seek her advice on my troublesome skin. For years I have suffered from breakouts which have been a constant source of angst for me. Mellissa provided me with so much useful information, tools and support to help me improve my gut health, which has proven to be instrumental in helping to clear my skin and to also improve my overall health. I have completely altered my view of food and have made significant changes to my diet as a result.

 Mellissa was really supportive during the time we worked together and she was always there to answer my questions. She is a great coach who provides so much insight into the world of nutrition which can be difficult to navigate on your own!

 Thank you so much Mellissa!


“I no longer feel bloated”

I met Mellissa at a mindfulness retreat in June. At the time of our first consultation I had experienced IBS, severe bloating, migraines and endometriosis for years. I had tried many different diets/exercise/life style changes but nothing really worked and I felt at a loss!

Then I met Mellissa, she explained to me how the food I was eating was causing me to have these issues (even foods that were healthy!). After only a few months of changing my diet, by avoiding sugars and dairy, my gut problems have improved dramatically. I no longer feel bloated and my periods are slowly becoming less painful and more manageable! To top it off, I recently had a scan for cysts and fibroids and was told by the doctor that everything had gone! I couldn't believe it!

Thank you Melissa for inspiring me and opening my eyes to so many new ways of clean eating and especially for finding recipes for me to beat the sugar cravings!

It has definitely changed my life and health for the better and I would highly recommend Melissa if you are struggling!

Georgina Gegg


Melissa has been extremely helpful and just fantastic. I always thought I knew enough about nutrition, but during the session with Melissa I realised I ate a lot of wrong things which resulted in constant bloatedness and tiredness. I just could not figure out on my own how to get rid of it.

Melissa recommended me supplements and gave me tips as to what meals I should eat and could take with me during my busy working days. I found her very easy to talk to, she listened patiently and gave me great diet advice which matched with my busy working lifestyle. The recipes she has sent me made my life much easier and the best thing is that I have got my energy levels back to what it used to be.

Thank you so much Melissa for helping me.


Working with Mellissa was such an easy, enjoyable and collaborative experience from the start. Prior to working with her I'd seen so many medical professionals and therapists, each with their own prognosis. And so I didn’t really know what to expect. However, I was thrilled that she really took the time to enquire about every aspect of my life - emphasising the importance of a holistic treatment plan. 

The plan we came up with wasn’t just limited to gut health, nutritional avdice and meal plans, but covered everything from natural supplements, sleep plans and ways to reduce the effects of stress on my mind and body. I believe that this is a truly powerful combination and approach.

I'm so grateful for all the help and guidance she gave me both during the consultations meetings but also ongoing. The support extended well beyond her ‘contracted hours’ - she was always available to answer any questions and reassure me when necessary. The information she provided was both easy to digest and incredibly informative. With each piece of communication she would round-up with a clear list of actions, which helped keep us progressing in the right direction. 

I noticed results within the first week, and those improvements then went on to give me the personal confidence I needed to approach some major life challenges and events. For that - I am so thankful! 

Michael Stephens

Co Founder - Create Space Retreats

 Want to learn more about how to work with me? 
