Empower Your Journey Instantly and See a Transformation Beyond Your Wildest Dreams


Package 1: Release and Realign


Dive deep into unlocking your potential with this package of two sessions. Experience a profound shift in mindset and confidence as we discover and address the core issues that are holding you back. This package is tailored to empower you with personalised resources, release negative programming and guide you towards lasting self-empowerment, and a renewed sense of power and purpose.

Investment £222

price per session £111


Package 2: Quantum Leap


Take a quantum leap towards holistic transformation with our six-session package. Beyond addressing immediate concerns, the Transformation Package is designed to guide you through a comprehensive healing journey. Expect profound shifts in your energy, mindset, and emotional well-being. Enjoy a bonus guided meditation and ongoing email support, fostering lasting change and a renewed zest for life. This is your invitation to embrace a transformed version of yourself.


Price per session £99


Package 3: Metamorphosis Unveiled, The Butterfly Emerges.


Experience the pinnacle of transformation with the exclusive Metamorphosis unveiled Package. This all-inclusive 11-session journey is your key to breaking free from limitations. Unleash your true potential, surpassing boundaries and embracing a life of abundance, joy, and spiritual enlightenment. This package is not just a session; it's a transcendental experience guiding you towards the ultimate version of YOU.


Price per session £90